Posted December 5, 2019 2:30 pm by Comments

By Tom Claycomb

Buck Knives 738 Bow TRX - Designed for Bow Hunters
The Buck Bow Trx is a must have tool if you’re a hardcore bowhunter. With it, you’ll be able make adjustments to your sights, tighten you quiver, adjust poundage etc. in the field.

U.S.A.-( You’d think bow hunting would be pretty simple, wouldn’t you? I mean how complicated can it be. All that you have is a stick, a string and a handful of arrows. Well, that statement might have been true back in the caveman days but with the advent of the compound bows that we have nowadays, things have gotten a lot more complicated. Many times you need to make adjustments while out hunting in the mountains or even at the range. That’s where the Buck Bow TRX comes in.

Buck Knives 738 Bow TRX

As finicky as bows are it’s smart to carry a few tools to rectify any problems you may encounter. The Buck Bow TRX has all the tools that I am competent enough to use while working on my bow. You can see below in the “Specs” all the options it provides.

If you’ve bow hunted for any length of time then you know what I’m talking about. On a …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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