Posted July 31, 2023 1:03 pm by Comments

By Erich Pratt

Those who despise American gun ownership never seem to stop. Since they thankfully cannot ban firearms outright, politicians are now trying to ban cheap, commonly used ammunition and make hunting and shooting sports too costly for the average American.
The Biden administration has proposed a ban on lead ammunition on eight national wildlife refuges in the eastern United States. Obviously, this small-scale ban is a first step and will expand to the entire federal lands system (about 650 million surface acres or 30% of the country) if taken to its logical conclusion.
It is important to note from the onset that this has nothing to do with the 30-year-old ban on the use of lead ammunition for hunting waterfowl.
No major pro-hunting or pro-gun groups are fighting to reverse that. Rather, what the Biden administration is proposing is a total ban on lead ammunition for any purpose on these federal lands, which, when expanded in the future, will destroy the hunting and recreational target shooting industry as we know it.
This is the third attempt by politicians to completely ban lead on federal lands in the last decade.
During the Obama administration, the Center for Biological Diversity and over 100 anti-hunting and anti-Second Amendment groups

Source: Gun Owners of America

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