Posted September 6, 2023 5:00 pm by Comments

By Larry Keane

The Biden administration is forcing the federal agency charged with overseeing the strictly-regulated firearm industry to tighten its vice grip on private gun owners, claiming if they privately sell guns and offer to sell more, they’re “engaged in the business.”
This is just the latest salvo from President Joe Biden, who declared from the debate stage in 2019 that the firearm industry is “the enemy.”
Now, as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is snuffing out firearm retailers at a record pace due to an unrelenting attack of historically-high firearm license revocations under the guise of its “zero-tolerance” policy, the administration has unilaterally proposed an expansion of the definition of who is required to obtain a dealer’s license and therefore run a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification to transfer a firearm.
Continue reading Biden’s ATF’s New FFL Edict Isn’t Just Unconstitutional, It’s Utterly Unworkable at The Truth About Guns.

Source: The Truth About Guns

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