Posted February 17, 2020 6:00 pm by Comments

By David Codrea

Like every other idea the gun-grabbers offer, blaming a gun and remolding it into a bat shape is purely symbolic. (Matt Reeves: Twitter/Vimeo)
Like every other idea the gun-grabbers offer, blaming a gun and remolding it into a bat shape is purely symbolic. (Matt Reeves: Twitter/Vimeo)

U.S.A. – -( “Wait, did the new Batman bolt the gun that killed his parents to his Batsuit’s chest?” entertainment website The A.V. Club asked in a Thursday report on The Batman, the latest cinematic reboot of the comic book hero. The question was prompted by a tweet from director Matt Reeves that included a camera test focusing on the iconic costume symbol revealing what appears to be a gun broken up and remolded into a bat shape.

Repurposing the gun, it is noted, originated “in Detective Comics #1000, published last year, in which Bruce Wayne tracks down the gun that was used to murder Thomas and Martha Wayne, melts it down … and then uses it as the bulletproof metal that makes up the symbol.”

That it wouldn’t actually be “bulletproof” seems not to occur to anyone presuming that it would be, but then again, readers don’t turn to comic books writers’ imaginations for reality. The “thought process” expounded on to reforge the gun into a symbol, shown …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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