Posted February 24, 2017 1:11 pm by Comments

By James England

HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT — After big businesses like Mossberg, General Electric, and others decided to pull up tent stakes and head to friendlier places, Gov. Malloy of Connecticut realized he was left with a huge gaping hole in his state budget. And according to his recent budget proposal, he plans on making up part of that difference by more than doubling the price of gun permits and concealed carry handgun permits.


Malloy’s proposed budget would increase the state portion of the pistol permit fee from $70 to $300 and the initial 5-year pistol permit fee from $140 to $370. Background check fees would also increase from $50 to $75.

Gov. Malloy’s budget chief, Ben Barnes, said the increase in costs more closely align with neighboring New York City — where a concealed carry permit can cost up to $350. He said that these increased fees are estimated to bring in an additional $11 million a year into the state coffers.

That’s, unfortunately, just a drop in the bucket considering how many businesses are leaving Connecticut for tax-friendlier places. It also doesn’t address the real ramifications of these budget measures: making gun ownership and legal concealed carry unaffordable for poor people and …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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