Posted February 4, 2019 11:00 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Stand Your Ground laws have become controversial, but mostly because so few people really understand them. That’s not surprising, though. After all, anti-gunners spend a lot of time misrepresenting them to their allies in the media, so most people only have a distorted image of what the laws actually mean. Many seem to think such regulations amount to legalized murder, not understanding that they only apply in self-defense situations. They simply mean you don’t have to try and run away first.

In Arkansas, some clearly aren’t buying the media scare stories about Stand Your Ground laws. Otherwise, why introduce a bill giving that protection to people in the state?

A bill set to make its way through the Arkansas legislature would alter the state’s self-defense laws and allow for people to use “stand your ground” provisions in deadly confrontations.

State representative Aaron Pilkington (R – Clarksville) says House Bill 1059 will clear up ambiguities and make Arkansas law line up with our neighboring states.

“I had a constituent reach out to me letting me know that we weren’t a stand your ground state and after kind of looking at the laws and how they were he was right,” Pilkington said. “We’re …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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