Posted October 18, 2018 12:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

During the Obama Administration, we heard about something called Operation Choke Point. Basically, the administration used pressure to push banks to cut off companies that were in industries Obama and his cronies didn’t particularly care for. Some of those included things like payday lenders, which some argue take unfair advantage of the poor, but it also included the firearm industry.

Recently, some documents were unsealed that show Operation Choke Point wasn’t some conspiracy theory.

Newly-unsealed court documents released today show evidence of the federal government’s illegal Operation Choke Point program in which top government officials and federal agencies pressured banks to cut all ties with lawful businesses. More than 100 records expose depositions and damaging emails of government officials, most notably at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), who executed a secretive campaign against lawful businesses it disfavored while ignoring due process and subverting the legal and regulatory process. This illegal campaign included threats from senior government officials that agency staff would be fired and bank officials could be subject to criminal prosecution. The key findings disclosed in the filing indicate that this campaign was instituted at the very highest levels of the FDIC and has been ruthlessly and …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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