Posted March 3, 2018 9:30 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Right now, the National Rifle Association is under fire. The largest gun rights organization is being blasted over something it had nothing to do with. After all, the shooter in Parkland, Florida wasn’t an NRA member. The NRA didn’t put the gun in his hands or the evil in his mind. The NRA didn’t keep the deputies outside the school as the carnage was taking place.

But the NRA is getting blamed for it.

Anti-gun crusaders have been going after the NRA for years, but now they’re really working toward trying to destroy the organization. They want to see the NRA destroyed. They believe that the NRA’s death will open the floodgates and allow any manner of gun control to pass through Congress.

They should be careful what they wish for.

You see, while many of us are NRA members, there are more than a handful of gun rights activists who take serious issue with the NRA. The problem? The NRA is far too willing to subvert our rights in exchange for political capital.

For example, take the NRA’s response to Las Vegas and bump stocks.

The NRA was willing to deal on bump stocks. From a political standpoint, that’s smart. You can …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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