Posted October 8, 2015 11:16 am by Comments

By Tim

Langdon is an exceptional instructor and coach.

If you are serious about developing your shooting skill, at some point you have found yourself in an unhappy plateau. You have achieved a certain level of skill and you’re comfortable performing at that level but you know that you can do better…you just don’t know how, exactly, to get to that next level. One of the most efficient ways of bumping your performance capability is to get yourself on the range with a good coach.

Langdon is an exceptional instructor and coach.

Note that I use the term “coach” rather than instructor, there. In my experience being a good instructor and being a good coach are very different skillsets. Unfortunately every instructor is not necessarily a good coach…someone who can offer an intelligent, detailed, custom diagnosis of your performance issues and suggest specific techniques and approaches that will boost your performance.

Ernest Langdon is, in my opinion, one of the best combinations of instructor and coach teaching classes these days. If you are a regular reader you have seen a few articles on the site that mention Mr. Langdon so you may be somewhat familiar with his background. If you aren’t, the short version is that after spending time …Read the Rest

Source:: Gun Nuts Media

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