Posted June 1, 2018 8:30 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

As a general rule, I find that the more vehement anti-gunners are people who will not change their minds. I find that when you argue with people like that, what you’re doing is really laying out arguments for all those people who aren’t part of the discussion. As author and gun enthusiast Larr Correia has noted, arguing on the internet is a spectator sport. You’re just not going to change that person’s mind.

But sometimes, anti-gun voices actually do change their opinions. Writer H.A. Goodman notes that his personal revelation came from how it seems some animals are more equal than others.

After witnessing the union of the Democratic Party and former spy chiefs James Clapper, James Comey and John Brennan, I slowly realized my trust in the federal government had been naive. Of course, I’d never advocate an armed rebellion, but the fact 37 percent of American families own some type of firearm ensures that unelected officials think twice about the extent of their schemes.

If intelligence chiefs like Brennan and Clapper can lie under oath without perjury charges, or James Comey can overlook Clinton’s private server (storing SAP intelligence) because of “<a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank" …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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