Posted May 7, 2018 12:17 am by Comments

By James Rummel

I carried one of these for many years.

(Click any pic for maximum size.)

The original multi-tool. I liked that way that it provided options in case of emergencies. One time I managed to help a woman who was stranded by the side of a lonely road by taking the grill off of her car in order to fix a hole in the radiator.

I was well in to my teens when I was finally able to watch some television, and I came across an old spy program named The Man From U.N.C.L.E. The guns used by the fictional agents were fascinating!

Short barreled handgun suitable for concealed carry, small carbine if one attaches all of the extras. It even had a Maxim style suppressor so the agents wouldn’t wake the neighbors when shooting the bad guys. Really cool! Too bad nothing like that was available in real life.

It was many years ago, at the dawn of the modern …Read the Rest

Source:: Hell In a Handbasket

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