Posted August 8, 2017 1:00 pm by Comments

By Andrew Shepperson

A total of 4,775 guns were collected at New Jersey’s most recent gun buybacks. (Photo: Facebook)
Top law enforcement officials have called New Jersey’s recent trio of gun buybacks a huge success, but the National Rifle Association’s news outlet, America’s 1st Freedom, has taken a far more critical stance on the events.
In an opinion piece published Monday, America’s 1st Freedom editor Mark Chestnut called the gun buybacks foolish, arguing they only accomplished taking guns away from law-abiding citizens in need of cash and will do next to nothing to slow violent crime in the Garden State.
While New Jersey Attorney General Christopher Porrino touted the netting of a total 4,775 firearms as the most successful gun buyback in the state’s history, Chestnut says most of the guns turned in were never used to commit crimes in the first place, as some were collectibles and many most likely only used for hunting or sports shooting.
Porrino and acting U.S. Attorney William Fitzpatrick made a point to highlight the 129 “assault weapons” that were handed over, saying those alone made the events worth the cost. The “assault weapons” received the highest payout of $200, while rifles and shotguns went for $100 and handguns for $120.
“If we


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