Posted July 2, 2016 10:39 pm by Comments

By Jenn Jacques

legal BA

They say war makes strange bedfellows, and the fight against “No-Fly, No-Buy” legislation is no exception.

“We’re not working together with the NRA,” said ACLU deputy director Chris Landers, “but we’re in some places making similar arguments.”

“An important place we differ is that the ACLU does believe that there are ways that a government can regulate guns that are not going to raise due-process or equal-protection problems,” said Mr. Landers. “Relying on watch lists, though, is not one of those ways.”

However, the ACLU isn’t the only organization to cry foul on the blatant disregard for due process.

“This is an issue where it’s not just law-abiding Americans being denied their Second Amendment rights, it’s Fifth Amendment [due process] rights, too,” said NRA public affairs director Jennifer Baker. “We’re a single-issue organization, so our mission is to protect and defend the Second Amendment.”

Baker was also quick to point out that the right to bear arms “is enshrined in the Constitution. Flying on a plane is not the same as a Second Amendment right.”

Aside from the gross infringement on our constitutional rights, the “No-Fly, No-Buy” legislation is also another example of democrats creating a solution to an imaginary problem.

A report released in …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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