Posted March 5, 2016 5:06 pm by Comments

By Bob Owens

Teen-aged competition shooter Jules with a her 15-pound competition AR-15, "Thor."

The editorial board of the New York Times seems to have a simple mission: fabricate lies both blatant and bold in order to sell ideas to their readers that they couldn’t sell if they were honest. A recent op-ed, The Right to Sue the Gun Industry, is a perfect example of that sort of deception.

Let’s show you just home much they think they can lie to Times readers, whom they clearly feel are rubes.

The world recoiled in horror in 2012 when 20 Connecticut schoolchildren and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School by a deranged teenager using a military-style assault rifle to fire 154 rounds in less than five minutes. The weapon was a Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle adapted from its original role as a battlefield weapon. The AR-15, which is designed to inflict maximum casualties with rapid bursts, should never have been available for purchase by civilians.

When the Times editorial board states that the AR is an “assault rifle” and “is designed to inflict maximum casualties with rapid bursts,” they are directly and boldly lying to their readers in two different and important ways.

For starters, the common AR-15 is not an assault rifle, as the …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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