Posted August 24, 2015 1:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

pro-vs-antigun (courtesy

President Obama didn’t come for your guns. Yes, the President favors “gun responsibility” (or whatever they call it today) and lobbied for “common sense gun laws” both before but especially after the slaughter at Sandy Hook. But the former community organizer never actually confiscated a single American’s guns. Therefore, gun rights advocates are paranoid, whipped to a frenzy by the NRA, whose real goal is to feather their nest and aid and abet the death-dealing firearms industry. That’s the new pro-gun control meme that making the rounds. Like this . . .

This mainstream media memery is a masterpiece of militant mendaciousness masquerading as open-minded debate. You can also read the “they didn’t come for your guns” assertion here [via South Carolina’s]:

This is going to be a big issue because some people believe registration is just a way for the government to get a list so they can come and confiscate guns. Sorry, but despite what gun manufacturers and the NRA have been saying, the Obama administration has not tried to take anyone’s guns.

So, has the Obama administration confiscated anyone’s guns? If not, it’s certainly not for a lack of trying. …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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