Posted August 26, 2016 1:58 pm by Comments

By Bob Owens


Imagine if you will meeting an individual with incredibly strong negative feelings about a large group of people.

This individual has a laundry list of complaints about the group. You immediately notice that the complaints seem to be as thin as onion-skin and just as transparent.

Curious, you start asking the individual questions about his experience with that group.

You quickly discover that the individual’s first-hand experience with that targeted group is virtually non-existent. He’s seen them at a distance, but once he identifies someone as belonging to that group, he curses them, and runs away. He’s found solace in an insular clique of like-minded souls, and they likewise have next to no experience of their own with the group they collectively hate so much.

You point out that you have considerable experience with that targeted group, and point out that their stereotypes are both shallow and contrary to actual documented facts that are easily proven. The individual and his clique brands you as a “nut” and asserts that your ability to understand and find common ground with the other group is due to some shared sexual perversity, not actual cultural knowledge, education, and shared experience .

Welcome my world as a firearms news journalist …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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