WY: Wyoming Firearms Privacy on the Line!
By Rebecca Jones
Firearms Privacy On the Line in Wyoming!
The GOA-backed Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act (HB0234) passed the House Judiciary Committee on Friday, January 31 with supportive testimony from GOA and Television coverage by Cheyenne’s CBS Affiliate (click here for the TV Interview).
The bill prohibits the assignment of firearms-specific Merchant Category Codes (MCC) to any merchant located in Wyoming that is a seller of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition. It makes it illegal to distinguish these merchants from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer.
MCCs were developed by anti-Second Amendment forces in cooperation with Amalgamated Bank, a bank that the New York Post linked to the Democratic National Committee and several anti-Second Amendment politicians.
Amalgamated Bank convinced the Swiss-based International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to create the firearms code for use by credit card processors operating in the United States.
A firearms MCC would identify “who” is selling firearms and could be used to revoke credit, take other retaliatory acts against firearms sellers, and most importantly, MCCs are a first step to creating a National Firearms Registry.
While forbidden by federal law, the Biden Administration famously defied the law and kept a Registry, so we must act at the State level to ensure future Federal Administrations cannot advance this
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