Posted March 20, 2016 2:26 am by Comments

By James England

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA — A concealed carrier stopped a fellow landscaping employee after that employee shot and killed a coworker right in front of him. Sources at the scene confirm that the concealed carrier had just arrived for a day of work when he was confronted with people running away from an apparent active shooting situation.

via WOKV 104.5 FM

“I get out of the car and everybody’s screaming, active shooter, active shooter,” the concealed carrier said.

The concealed carrier must have arrived right in the knick of time because the active shooter’s gun allegedly jammed, forcing him to switch from a gun to a baseball bat. Thankfully, the concealed carrier had his gun trained on the alleged attacker and was able to keep him contained until police could arrive.

“He’s like, ‘no, you need to put the gun down’,” the concealed carrier recalled for the reporter. “I was like, ‘that’s not gonna happen man. It’s not. You just killed someone. I can’t take my gun off of you. I can’t.’”

As hard as it is to be placed into that type of situation, this concealed carrier definitely demonstrated his ability to use a calm head to assess the situation and act accordingly. The …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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