Posted July 2, 2016 1:02 am by Comments

By James England

FORT GREENE, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK — Officers were able to arrest two of the teenage girls who brutally ambushed and attacked a 51-year-old woman on her way to work at 4:30 a.m. The woman was able to defend herself after the teenagers overcame her and knocked her to the ground.

How did she defend herself? With a gun.

This comes as a surprise considering most of New York City is a veritable “gun free zone” but we’re increasingly seeing that just because guns aren’t normally allowed, criminals will still use numbers and force to get theirs.

The police blotter published through the Brooklyn Paper suggest that the teenagers were taken in by police but the woman was left alone. It can only be concluded that she either had one of the very rare permits to carry offered through the city or they simply were more concerned with the teenagers.

Younger and younger. That’s what we keep seeing. The girls who perpetrated this attack were no more than 13 years old according to NYPD. Their target was her purse.

These girls were willing to physically assault a woman for likely no more than was contained in her purse. If she didn’t have …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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