Posted April 6, 2016 3:49 pm by Comments

By Justin Stakes

Self Defense Concealed Carry
Concealed Carry
Firearms Policy Coalition
Firearms Policy Coalition

Roseville, CA -( Assembly member Eric Linder (R-Corona) is back at it again. Linder, who previously voted to strip away the rights of concealed carry permit holders to protect themselves by voting for SB 707, now wants you to trust him to “reform” your permit.

AB 2510 seeks to retroactively validate local carry permits by requiring the Department of Justice (DOJ) to ratify them.

Given that there are nearly 500 issuing authorities, if all of them were to make up their own permit, it would put concealed carry license holders and law enforcement in danger, not only in California–but in those states that honor our licenses as well.

As we have stated before, FPC is in full support of a uniform carry permit throughout California, but Linder’s bill will, in essence, force law enforcement to have a database of over 500 unique permit types.

If a law enforcement officer comes across you with a permit they don’t recognize or remember, we can guarantee they will err on the side of their safety, and NOT YOUR RIGHTS, when dealing with the situation… and we can’t blame them.


Although we have …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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