Posted August 13, 2015 10:00 am by Comments

By Robert Farago

Jody Herring (courtesy

Accused killer couldn’t own gun; police say she had one, the headline proclaims. As far as I’m concerned, that’s all I need to know. How Jody Herring got ahold of a .270 Remington rifle, with which she shot a social worker and three family members, is not a big deal. Unless Son of Sam handed her the gun and told her to shoot a bunch of people. (Note: Son of Sam was a labrador retriever, who denied any involvement in David Berkowitz’ killing spree.) I mean, we’re talking Vermont. Remington hunting rifles are more common than socialists. And that’s saying something. I’m not saying . . .

that I don’t extend my condolences to the victims of Herring’s homicidal fury. I am saying that the Burlington Free Press – for it is they who originally penned the piece – should treat the source of her gun as a footnote to the more important story: why did she do it? What could have been done to prevent it? Gun control? Obviously not.

Absent from a lengthy affidavit prosecutors filed before Jody Herring’s arraignment Monday on a murder charge were details about how the authorities believe Herring …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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