Posted August 24, 2015 11:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

First, let’s be clear: in most states, you may threaten or use lethal force (i.e., “pull your gun”) if you or other innocent life are in imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm. The only caveats: imminence must be imminent (the bad guy or guys must be in the act of threatening you or other innocent life) and the threat must be credible (a bad guy waving a knife at you from across the street won’t cut it, so to speak). Ultimately, it comes down the “reasonable person standard.” Would a reasonable person think your actions were reasonable – given the totality of circumstances. The example in the video above isn’t as cut-and-dried as it appears . . .

What if the guy leaning against your car was doing so outside a strip club at 3am and you were a diminutive stripper and the guy had been hassling you all night and you knew him to be an ex-con who’d done time for felonious assault? You still couldn’t pull your gun until the above criteria were met BUT you might be able to do so legally if he approached you menacingly – whatever that …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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