Posted December 3, 2015 10:00 pm by Comments

By Nick Leghorn


Yesterday we watched the terrible events unfold in San Bernardino, California and the common question among the various news organizations was what kind of person would carry out this kind of attack. I was at the helm of TTAG’s coverage yesterday and despite some prodding from the other editors I resisted posting what little information we had about the shooting suspects until we had a more complete picture of what actually happened — the very last thing I wanted was a repeat of the confusion following the Sandy Hook attacks, and posting names without context allows rampant speculation to fill the void instead of facts. Twenty four hours later the investigation has uncovered enough information that we can start piecing together the different parts of the puzzle with greater clarity, and the picture that is starting to emerge appears to be one of a pre-planned terrorist attack perpetrated by a “radicalized” couple.

The names of the suspected attackers have been released as Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik.

Syed was an American citizen, born in the United States, who had worked as an “environmental specialist” for the San Bernardino County health department for the last five years. Born and raised …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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