Posted May 10, 2018 3:00 pm by Comments

By AmmoLand Editor Duncan Johnson

What the Firearms Industry Can Learn from Apple & Nike
What the Firearms Industry Can Learn from Apple & Nike

U.S.A.-( It’s been known that older generations of hunters and target shooters were given a firearm as a child and viewed their sport as a family tradition and as part of American culture. Now, it’s a different story. The face of the firearm customer is changing as younger, more ethnically-diverse consumers and women are going to the shooting range and the fields. The changing consumer indicates the same old tried and true marketing tactics will not work on today’s and tomorrow’s firearm owner.

How do we turn the industry around?

Apple and Nike were once in this same position. Here’s what they learned:

Consumers want to know who you are about, your values and how you fit in with their world.

Apple’s most successful marketing efforts entailed not promoting their products, but promoting value. Steve Jobs once said that even the best brands need to nurture their messaging and revolutionize their brand positioning to stay relevant and succeed. When Apple started to lose its luster back in the 80’s, they didn’t talk about how they were better than Windows or promote their product features. The key to their success was addressing …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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