Posted January 15, 2016 10:12 am by Comments

By Rob Morse

Slow Facts

By Rob Morse

Slow Facts

Louisiana- ( President Obama spoke to the nation about guns last week. At first the president said he didn’t want to take guns from honest citizens, and then he said he did. This is what Obama has done before and what he will do again. I was first aware of Obama disarming honest citizens when it happened to military veterans.

We are all veterans now.

-A veteran friend of mine had trouble sleeping due to sore joints. At first the Veteran’s Administration said it was all in his head. They claimed he had post-traumatic stress disorder and he only thought his joints hurt. The VA sent him to a psychiatrist. Fortunately, the psychiatrist actually looked and listened to my friend. The shrink diagnosed my friend’s arthritis and sent him home. That was a few years ago. Today, President Obama wants my friend put on the FBI data base as a prohibited person and barred from owning firearms due to PTSD. Depending on the state where he lived, my friend’s entire family might be disarmed.

The president said veterans are a threat to this …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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