Posted March 31, 2020 9:27 am by Comments

By Tactical Life

Members of the National Guard administer tests for COVID-19.

Operator Sam and Angry Drill Sgt became irate recently, and the comedic dual character from YouTube’s Angry Cops took New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio to task. During a recent appearance on “Meet the Press,” De Blasio claimed the National Guard wasn’t the military.


Historic National Guard Response Activated to Combat COVID-19

NYC Mayor De Blasio Slights National Guard

The slight occurred during a back-and-forth with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. De Blasio attempts to say President Trump has failed to engage the U.S. military to fight the spread of COVID-19. He says “You have National Guard, you do not have the American military” deployed in NYC.

That’s when “Operator Sam” lost it on De Blasio, dropping National Guard knowledge on its proud history. He informs NYC’s mayor that the Guard is older, and serves dual-duty at state and federal levels. From Hurricane Katrina to Iraq and Afghanistan, Operator Sam explodes on NYC’s mayor. He should be well aware of the Guard’s tremendous sacrifice.

Operator Sam then brings up Tim Kennedy, one of the baddest UFC fighters in the business. “You gonna go up and tell that to Tim Kennedy, …Read the Rest

Source:: Tactical Life

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