Posted March 27, 2017 7:45 am by Comments

By Rob Morse

Slow Facts

By Rob Morse

Slow Facts

Louisiana- ( of us will be victims of violent crime in our lifetime. Though not an everyday occurrence, the sad fact is that criminal violence is with us. It is uncomfortable to feel at risk. It can even be depressing.

This is where each of us faces a choice. On one hand, we can view the world as imperfect and slightly dangerous. A realist takes responsibility for his or her own safety. On the other hand, we can cling to a utopian view of the world. An idealist says that it is society’s duty to protect people against violence.

It is easier for the idealist to talk about utopian prohibitions against violence than to face the real day-to-day effort of personal protection. Idealists say it is up to the police to keep us safe. Realists say we are our own first line of defense, and the police are only there to take reports and make arrests.

For the idealist, the benefits of being disarmed are real. Placing the burden of protection on society allows the idealist to keep human evil at arm’s length. When someone is attacked, the idealist responds …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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