Posted May 21, 2019 4:24 pm by Comments

By TheFireArmGuy

believe that most people who work in gun stores are freedom loving
patriots who enjoy selling firearms. I have had excellent learning
experiences from gun store workers and several who have gone on to be
my personal friends. The vast amount of these guys help their
customers choose the best firearm, ammo and gear specifically suited
for them.

Unfortunately, not all gun store workers
are well intended and respectful. There are times when I entered a
gun store with cash in my pocket and ready to make purchases but
found myself quickly leaving the store due to some hot-shot “know
it all” gun guy behind the counter. I then make a conscientious
decision to take my business elsewhere.

This article is
called, ‘My Advice to the Gun Store Worker” because I believe at
times these people turn away potential customers instead of bringing
them into the 2A community. Customers may enter a gun store
interested in learning about certain firearms only to be turned away
from a gun store worker with a negative attitude. Typically, these
customers will leave and never enter that store again. In that case,
everyone loses.

Don’t get me
wrong, I could imagine how frustrating it would be for a hot shot
customer spout off a bunch of nonsense about guns and gear. Many will
argue with a gun …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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