Posted December 8, 2015 12:00 pm by Comments

By Dan Zimmerman


I carry several different guns. Each has a purpose, of course, and every gun has benefits and limitations. My perspective of use has been influenced by qualifying four times a year on a concealed carry course which involves drawing and shooting from concealment or low ready with time limits of 1.5 to 3 seconds. Head shots are required from 3-7 yards, and center mass shots are required from 7-15 yards. As you can see from the photos . . .

the “head box” is from the bottom of the nose to the top and outside edges of the eyebrows. This area is approximately 3″ tall by 5″ wide. The course requires tactical reloads and a bit of “getting of the X movement.” It’s similar to a police qualification, but a bit more rigorous – not SEAL stuff, but good practice. This puts me into the “carry the biggest gun with as man rounds as you can manage” camp.

The other main thrust for me is ammo selection. Of course the sight of a handgun alone can end many violent encounters, but I’ve already encountered a fair amount of “Murphy’s Law” in my life. If I have to shoot, I want to …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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