Posted March 16, 2016 10:48 am by Comments

By Bob Owens


Yesterday was a great day for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and another blow to the Constitution of the United States.

Mrs. Clinton’s southern sweep has all but assured she’ll be the Democrat nominee (whether or not she’s indicted on a raft of federal charges), and Trump’s big night saw victories in Illinois, North Carolina, and Florida, knocking Marco Rubio out of the race.

Trump’s fanbase is celebrating today, but they shouldn’t and wouldn’t be if they understood how the rest of the nation looks at reality television blowhard.

As primary season wears on, Trump’s favorability rating continues to plummet. He is now the most unpopular politician to run in either party at least the past 24 years, and that’s even with the mainstream media supporting him with a staggering $1.9 billion in free media exposure slanted in his favor… for now.

The media—many of whom have long and deep ties with the Clinton cartel—have kept their powder dry, and will until the general election. They’ll wait until then to bombard you with wave after wave of Trump scandals. The media will wait to point out how untrustworthy Trump is (he’s jumped political parties five different times), …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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