Posted April 15, 2019 12:32 pm by Comments

By Tom McHale

Shotgun loads may or may not penetrate like a hammer drill. It all depends on the ammo. Buckshot, for example, goes through many walls like butter.
Shotgun loads may or may not penetrate like a hammer drill. It all depends on the ammo. Buckshot, for example, goes through many walls like butter.

I hear lots of people say things like, “I use a shotgun as I don’t want to worry about over penetration.” That may or may not be a valid plan depending on the choice of ammo. Having shot through lots of scrap drywall in range tests, I can tell you that buckshot penetrates walls just like handgun bullets. That means it’ll go through lots and lots of them. After all, a 00 buckshot pellet is more or less a .32 caliber handgun bullet, but usually moving significantly faster at 1,500 or 1,600 feet per second. Of course, if you go to smaller shot sizes, like bird-appropriate pellets, penetration risk will be greatly reduced, as it will on human targets at ranges past a handful of yards. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking shotguns for home defense. It’s hard to argue with terminal effectiveness. We’re only talking about over-penetration here.

Yes, I've actually tested this myth by doing weird stuff like this. Because science.
Yes, I’ve actually tested this myth by doing weird stuff like this. Because yuo know.. science.

Surprisingly, standard 55-grain FMJ and varmint ammo penetrates less than almost all buckshot and handgun projectiles. Although those little buggers are fast at near 3,000 feet per second, they’re light and tend to break up and tumble after hitting barriers. Usually the first and second drywall sheets start the upset and veering off course. By the third and fourth, things are getting wonky. Make no mistake, they’ll easily travel through multiple sheets of drywall, just fewer than other types of handgun and shotgun ammo.

Help is on the way in minutes:

As an AmmoLand News reader, you know the harsh reality of logistics. You’re the first responder to an event in your home. As committed as the local police may be, they’re always going to be the second responder.

Nationwide, the average police response time to arrive at the location of a call for help is about 10 minutes. Of course, that is the average of rural and urban environments. If you live in or near a city, your response times may get as low as four or five minutes. For example, in San Francisco, where you need a police response because you’re not to be trusted with protecting yourself, it will take just under six minutes on average. Other big cities like Dallas, Los Angeles, and New York range from about six minutes to just under 10.

Here’s the problem. The average self-defense encounter goes from zero to “significant results” in about 90 seconds, again on average. So, no matter where you live, you’re not getting help in time to stop anything from happening. But you already knew that, right?

You’re more likely to get killed if you have a gun in the house:

We might as well end with a doozy. The anti-gun crowd loves to share a “statistic” like this one:

“If you have a gun in the home, you’re three times more likely to get killed.”

This little fake-news tidbit that just won’t die comes from a study by Dr. Arthur Kellermann. After years of stonewalling his data and methodology, a couple of things came to light. First, he only counted homicides, where the homeowner died. He didn’t study how many lives were saved by the presence of a gun. Considering that 92% of defensive gun uses don’t involve a shot being fired, that’s a big deal. So, by not including no-shoot scenarios and those where the homeowner didn’t die, he cherry picked about one percent of data to arrive at his conclusions. Oh, and then it was discovered that he also counted homeowners who were killed by guns that were NOT in their home prior to the attack. Meaning if a home invader came in with his back street special and killed someone, that went into his tally. Excellent science there buddy.

About Tom McHale

Tom McHale is the author of the


USA –-( What is more frustrating than myths that get passed around with such regularity when no one pauses long enough to examine whether or not they are true? Maybe a case of the shingles, but other than that…

Here are some firearms and home defense myths that just won’t die.

It won’t happen to you:

“Who cares?” you might think. “It’ll never happen to me.” You’re right, it probably won’t. However, there are one heck of a lot of burglaries every year. Since “home invasion” isn’t a named crime, statistics are difficult to obtain. A “home invasion” can be a burglary. It can be an assault, It can be an armed robbery. It can be rape or murder. You get the idea. Since there is no specific tracking for violent home invasions, we have to look at the associated crimes. Depending on the year and source, consider these figures.

  • There are between two and nearly four million burglaries every year in the United States.
  • In about a million of these cases, someone is home when the intruder breaks in.
  • Over a quarter million people become victims of a violent assault associated with a home break-in.

That’s a lot of action. …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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