Posted June 26, 2018 2:25 pm by Comments

By Brandon Curtis

I posted an article on Facebook yesterday, and we had some comments come in. The comments refer to a ‘shoot to kill’ mentality, and I’m here to tell you that it’s the wrong mindset to have when dealing with a self-defense shooting.

There is no room for ‘shoot to kill’ or ‘shoot to wound’ in any scenario dealing with self-defense and your firearm. It’s always ‘shoot to stop the threat’.

If the threat is stopped with a shot to the shoulder and he or she becomes incapacitated and no longer capable of hurting you, that’s when you stop shooting. If displaying your firearm is enough to make the bad guy drop his, that’s where you stop unless things escalate.

There’s a simple rule to follow:

If your life is no longer in danger, there’s no longer a reason to pull the trigger. If you do, that could spell murder.

If you’re looking to ‘shoot to wound’, your outcome might not be what you expect. If you’re aiming for the legs, for example, remember that they house the femoral artery, which can cause a person to bleed out and die in a matter of minutes. You also run the risk …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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