Posted November 9, 2015 10:00 am by Comments

By Lamar Underwood

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<div data-cycle-hash="20mil-movies-sun" data-cycle-desc="A ballad, sung in a haunting voice, sets the tone of this classic look at small-unit infantry action in World War II. “It was just a little walk in the warm Italian sun,” goes the voice, “but it wasn't an easy thing.” The platoon must fight its way to a farmhouse and take it. Included are very young Dana Andrews, Lloyd Bridges, and John Ireland. Another familiar face is Richard Conte, whose wisecracking machine gunner, along with his ammo bearer (George Tyne), almost steals the movie. " data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="20mil-movies-northwest" data-cycle-desc="The French and Indian War of the mid-18th century does not have a big presence in American films, but this one is a whopper. No, it's not about the search for the Northwest Passage. The original title of Kenneth Roberts' novel is misleading, since the Rogers Rangers do not get around to that mission until they've undertaken a daring raid on a notorious Native American village. Rogers, played by Spencer Tracy, leads a group of forerunners to the Green Berets in a sweeping, big-color, big-action film. " data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“><img src="" data-src="×383.1445450999.jpg" …Read the Rest

Source:: Tactical Life

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