Posted January 10, 2018 11:00 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Leftists seem to be completely enamored with the idea of smart guns. The Daily Beast is just the latest to laud the technology in a post writing about the subject. It’s a talking point that is parroted time and time again, the idea that a smart gun will ultimately be the solution to gun violence.

However, The Daily Beast is also one of the rare left-leaning outlets that actually touches on part of the problem with smart guns.

But smart guns remain a novelty, for more than a few reasons. First, making a gun “smarter” requires technological work that makes it, by definition, a more expensive purchase. Second, guns with added accessories make for a bulkier product, rendering them less desirable—an issue Cohen and his team tried to deal with in creating their smart gun, which uses embedded technology.

The problem with smart guns isn’t that they are trying to be safer. Indeed, that’s a noble aspect that is desperately needed in America right now, as the body count of gunshot victims rises. Preventing people from using firearms they aren’t supposed to be able to use—whether that is from stealing it, or accessing a family member’s gun trove for suicide …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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