Posted May 20, 2015 2:00 pm by Comments

By Bob Owens

Now, perhaps more than at any point in American history, we are “people of the gun.”

Total and per capita firearms ownership is thought to be higher now than at any point in American history. Nearly every kind of shooting sport is seeing record growth. Firearms training classes are filling up, and new firearms ranges are being added nationwide, including so-called “guntry clubs” in major metropolitan areas that cater to an emerging urban gun culture.

The number of youth, women, and minorities flocking to what has been called “Gun Culture 2.0″ is a stunning sight to behold. Shooting is no longer a rural past-time handed down from father to son, but something that has spread to the suburbs and big cities as well. You’re now just as likely to be invited to go shootings by someone at work or school as you would be a close friend or relative, and it’s likely to be a large social occasion as well, with numerous friends and families shooting together.

Because of the emerging and undeniable reality that guns are much more accepted than ever before in American public life, there are no more gun control groups in America.


Find me a group of liberty-hating hoplophobes …read more

Source:: Bearing Arms

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