Posted January 24, 2016 6:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

Charles Mudede (courtesy

Over at, socialist and freelance journalist Charles Mudede offers Why Mass Shootings and Gun Accidents Happen Rarely (If at All) at Airports. The answer’s pretty obvious: here are a lot of police and their watchdogs on site. It takes Mr. Mudede a while to get there. And where he goes from there is where all arguments for gun control end . . .

. . . the right is right: Gun-free zones are pretty stupid. We should not even bother with them. No one who has it in their mind to pop people before popping themselves is going to notice, let alone be dissuaded by, a sign that says you’re in a gun-free zone. Those are just words on a wall.

But what would happen if a gun-free zone was rigorously, actively, physically enforced? Would it have more substance than mere words? Would it be effective?

Prison is the ultimate example of a “gun-free zone,” a place where a firearms prohibition is rigorously, actively, physically enforced. While there are examples of prisoners getting a gun while behind bars, the more you make the outside world like a prison, the less likely it is …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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