Posted June 18, 2019 7:00 am by Comments

By Jacki Billings

Existing as early as the 14th Century, handheld firearms or handguns have offered gun owners a means to easily tote their preferred weaponry in a somewhat inconspicuous manner. Though handguns don’t come in nearly as many styles as their longer brothers, the rifle, the category does see two major styles in the form of revolvers and semi-automatic handguns.
For those just diving into the gun world, deciphering between revolvers and semi-auto handguns can seem confusing and a tad intimidating; but has you covered. Join us as we take a look at the difference between revolvers and semi-automatic handguns.
What is a Revolver?
The Taurus Judge features a hammered revolver design.
Patented by Samuel Colt in 1835, revolvers refer to firearms that feature a rotating cylinder. Ammunition is loaded into the cylinder, either five-or six-shots in my cases. The cocking of the hammer or the movement of the trigger “causes the cylinder to rotate, bringing the next cartridge in line with the barrel,” according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Revolvers can be single-action only, double-action or double-action only depending on the build and configuration. Loading and unloading are accomplished through the cylinder, with no extra capacity beyond what the cylinder can


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