Posted December 20, 2016 1:33 pm by Comments

By Ammoland


By Walter E. Williams
Editors Note: AmmoLand News welcomes Walter E.Williams to our growing list of the best and brightest conservative commentators.

The College Inclusiveness & Diversity Scam
Walter E. Williams
Walter E. Williams

USA – -( Sometimes it seems as if every other word from the mouths of academicians is “inclusiveness” or “diversity.”

How sincere and truthful are these people about their “inclusiveness and diversity” religion?

Suppose a group of engineering students do not want to include black or Mexican students in their study group. Should they be permitted to have freedom of association or restrained from freely associating?

The true test of one’s commitment to freedom of association does not come when he permits people to be free to associate in those voluntary ways he deems appropriate.

The true test comes when he permits people to associate in ways he deems offensive.

I suspect that most academics believe that people should be permitted to associate only in ways they deem appropriate. This is no less than totalitarianism.

What about inclusiveness in dating? Would academics criticize people who expressed a desire to date only people of their own race? Would they …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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