Posted June 16, 2015 4:11 pm by Comments

By Brian Buru

GunNews Journalist Brian Buru


The famous frontiersman and near-founder of Kentucky, Daniel Boone was once quoted as saying, “All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse, and a good wife.”

Although I would amend that statement to apply to my own life, I find that it mostly holds true — just not quite for the same reasons that he may have had when he first uttered the words. I have found that one of the true keys to lasting happiness is found in having confidence. Not just having the kind of confidence that comes from having a full tank of gas, or that you won’t get fired this month…no. I am referring to the kind of confidence that comes from being able to deal with any challenge that comes your way and knowing that you can.

Economic Confidence

The first kind of confidence that I believe is necessary for happiness is one that comes from economic stability. Being able to keep the bills paid is not quite enough to keep a person confident about their future and therefore happy. My wife and I have found that we enjoy living a bit more modestly and enjoying …read more

Source:: Gun News

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