Posted February 5, 2018 6:34 pm by Comments

By Aaron Barruga

Firearm Instructors Aaron Barruga Guerrilla Approach training

Firearm Instructors Aaron Barruga Guerrilla Approach course

I’m a millennial and have grown up under the societal umbrella of participation medals. Since I was a child, my generation was esteemed for ensuring that everyone was included in everything, regardless of ability. Don’t get me wrong. I believe in social acceptance and that you shouldn’t exercise prejudice because someone comes from a different cultural background. But I also believe in holding standards.

Many adult millennials have never had standards forced on them. Well, I mean, there were standardized tests in school—which only measured an ability to regurgitate, not learn—and then there were the forced social standards, which held that all opinions are equal, no matter how radical or hollow. I get it. You want children to feel confident putting themselves out there and trying. But even more important than encouraging confidence is teaching children how to deal with failure.

Learning to Lose

Too often with millennials, when adults don’t get what they want, they look outward instead of inward. We blame institutions for their rigidity or the flaws of the “sell-outs” in those organizations. We reframe arguments and cherry-pick information so …Read the Rest

Source:: Tactical Life

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