Posted May 14, 2018 2:33 pm by Comments

By AmmoLand Editor Duncan Johnson

Swagger Bipods - Anywhere, Any Terrain
Swagger Bipods – Anywhere, Any Terrain

U.S.A.-( You found the perfect pinch point to catch a big buck flat-footed while traveling from his bedding area. Setting up at the base of a tree, you fold out your bipod to hold your rifle at shoulder height, aimed down the trail where you expect to see the deer approach. In typical big-buck fashion, tall antlers appear far to your right and not on the game trail. With most bipods, you’d be hard-pressed to lift your rifle, aim towards the deer in tight quarters, and still manage to get a shot.

With a Swagger Bipod, the fact the buck showed up within range would be its last mistake. The flexibility of the Flex-Ready legs would allow you to simply swing your rifle barrel in the direction of the deer and fire. The legs would stay in place, where you originally set them, extended to the desired length, and they would twist to keep up with your rifle movement while continuing to provide rock-solid support.

Swagger Bipod
Swagger Bipod

The Swagger legs can be used …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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