Posted October 2, 2015 10:22 pm by Comments

By James Rummel


An article at Gizmodo wonders why there aren’t more copies of Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks at public libraries.

The authors of the essay try and get all scientifical about the question. Waste of time. The answer is obvious.

I’ve been playing the game since 1977, when the 1st Edition boxed set came out. I know exactly why there aren’t more copies in libraries. It is because people keep stealing them!

I remember distinctly that rulebooks and source books for the game started to appear on library shelves in the late 1970’s as the popularity of the game soared. I also remember that the books would disappear within days or weeks as cash-strapped gamers would fill their backpacks and walk out with the swag.

The books are expensive, which makes sense since the publisher can only sell one copy to each customer before they stop looking to buy. After you have the rules, why buy another copy? At last, why buy another copy as long as your girlfriend’s cat doesn’t pee on the book and make it smell to high heaven.

kitten wants to pee

So people short on money will snag …Read the Rest

Source:: Hell In a Handbasket

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