Posted August 7, 2015 5:57 am by Comments

By Patriot Outdoor News

Check this out.

Plant neurobiologist Stefano Mancuso and journalist Alessandra Viola are setting out to change the way we think about plants. In their new book, Brilliant Green, they assert that not only are plants intelligent beings, but also that they deserve rights—wait for it—similar to that of humans and animals.

Their case for plant rights stems from two factors: plants are sentient, and we depend on them. Mancuso asserts that plants have acquired a certain and necessary intelligence in order to reproduce, find energy, and protect themselves. Likewise, they have developed ways to attract pollinators with colors, smells, and food incentives in order to further their species. For energy, their roots grow to avoid obstacles and deter competition for water with other plants, and many release chemicals when harmed, often times only in the specific area under attack. Thus, Mancuso and Viola try to argue that plants’ intelligence, and our dependence on plants for food, raw materials, and oxygen, should merit a movement toward plant rights. “Providing rights to plants is a way to prevent our extinction,” Mancuso told The Guardian.

The book also delves into research that shows the advanced ways plants utilize their senses—at least 20 of them—to thrive …read more

Source:: Patriot Outdoor News

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