Posted April 19, 2016 5:00 pm by Comments

By Dan Zimmerman

By RenegadeDave

The goal of pretty much any practical application of a handgun is to be fast and accurate. Engaging multiple targets accurately can slow anyone down and your .20 splits don’t look so cool when your cadence has a half second delay as you transition onto the next target. We’re accountable for each hole down range. At this point in history the hard front sight cult is pervasive, but what if I told you shooting with your front sight is less important than you probably believe? Well stay tuned and I will explain . . .

This is a gun blog and you, dear reader, are no doubt well familiar with the fact there are gun channels on YouTube. Many of those gun channels will harp on the importance of the front sight with the whole “equal height, equal light” taking a back seat to the “the holes show up where the front sight is” school. That’s unquestionably true.

But then there are more and more videos out there like the one above.

The front sight is important…IN THE CONTEXT OF THE REAR SIGHT. As long as that little post shows up inside …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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