Posted July 26, 2016 5:33 pm by Comments

By Salvatore

Many individuals are on the verge of choosing their first weapon for personal protection. Selecting a handgun is a demanding decision as the requirements for each individual are different. It is a highly personal choice. Handguns in particular are very individual. There is no one-size-fits-all. This article is intended to assist you in making this choice, particularly as it pertains to selecting a gun for concealed carry applications.

If selecting a handgun only for home defense there is little reason to compromise on anything. Get a full-size combat handgun and get the one you most prefer. For a gun that you will carry concealed, however, most people must make some compromises due to lifestyle, environment, and dress requirements. In general, concealed carriers always walk the line between carrying a serious gun, and carrying a convenient gun. Sometimes, however, too much emphasis is placed on convenience. If you wish to carry a serious gun, you are simply going to have to make changes in your dress to accommodate it. If it is simply not possible to carry a larger gun, then carrying a small gun is still much better than carrying no gun, but you should strive to carry a formidable weapon. …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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