Posted March 31, 2018 8:30 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Right now, everyone is very on edge about active shooters. While they’re pretty rare, they’re also media spectacles that demand our attention and thrust the very idea of such things into the spotlight.

Men–and they’re pretty much always male–who we would never have heard of become celebrities in a deadly instant. It’s terrifying because they seemingly happen at random with no warning for the regular folks caught in the middle of a psychotic rampage.

However, when we peel away the fear, what we have is an individual who did something horrible. What we don’t really know in many cases is just why.

To that end, the United States Secret Service took a look at all the active shooter situations that took place during 2017. During that time, there were several that still stick out in our minds. Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs, and the attack on the GOP baseball team. These are all still fairly fresh in our minds.

It’s not a bad year to look to for answers.

Between January and December 2017, 28 incidents of mass attacks, during which three or more persons were harmed, were carried out in public places within the United States (see map for locations). These acts …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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