Posted March 5, 2020 7:30 am by Comments

By Ben Philippi

Julie Hereford and Mary Rooney photographed at Battlefield Vegas. (Photo: Tracy Lee)
In 2017, Julie Hereford and Mary Rooney started a group called NevadansCan. It’s a non-profit grassroots “citizen action network” that has been on the front lines fighting for conservative rights in the legislative process in Nevada.
The most pressing issue currently on their plate is AB291. It forfeits the rights of Nevada gun owners to due process, the presumption of innocence, trial by jury, and allows for unreasonable search and seizure of their property with no probable cause under the guise of a “red flag” law.
The measure, backed by national anti-gun groups, was scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2020, but NevadansCan successfully filed for an injunction. “Our injunction bought us some time,” said Rooney. “It’s currently in the Nevada court system. The basis of the lawsuit is that AB291 is unconstitutional. It violates essential rights guaranteed under the U.S. and Nevada Constitutions,” she said.
After filing the injunction, Hereford and Rooney met Las Vegas gun shop owner Greg Wohler. He’s appeared numerous times on and is a vocal gun rights advocate. Like many Nevadans, Wohler was unaware of the injunction. He thought AB291 was a done deal. When he learned there


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