Posted January 26, 2017 12:43 pm by Comments

By Bob Owens

Michael Schumacher / Amarillo Globe-News

Quick: what do you picture when you hear the phrase, “school shooting?”

If you’re like most people, you get the terrifying image of a deranged gunman bursting into a classroom and opening fire on hapless children at their desks who have little chance to escape.

Guess what? That doesn’t seem to happen anymore.

Police officer and noted firearms instructor Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training (pictured below) crunched the numbers on 71 reported “school shootings” reported from 2013-2016. When he factored out those that occurred on college campuses, individual targeted fights between two individuals, gang activity (including drive-byes after sporting events), he was left with a grand total of seven “active shooter” incidents where one gunman shot multiple students on a school campus in the past three years.

Greg Ellifritz

As Ellifritz notes, seven on-campus active shooting incidents in a nation of 320+ million souls over three years is a remarkably low number. I guess that’s why Everytown had to lie with such reckless abandon when they fabricated their school shooting report, which we audited and destroyed.

Now, let’s look at what he found in those seven incidents.

  • An Oregon school shooting happened when students were walking …Read the Rest

    Source:: Bearing Arms

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