Posted June 29, 2020 6:00 am by Comments

By Taylor Thorne

USPSA Multi-Gun Nationals is one of the biggest and most competitive 3-Gun competitions each year. Originally slated for March 2020, the event was moved to June 2020 due to COVID-19. The reschedule made the competition the first major 3-Gun match and as such competitors were ready to shake off the dust and test their skills. What better way to kick off the competitive shooting season than Nationals?
What is Multi-Gun Nationals
Multi-Gun Nationals spans two days, featuring 12 stages and offering unique challenges not commonly seen at local matches. At a local event, there might be one or two stage plans that make sense, while at Nationals the complexity of stages offered various stage plans. In this match, almost every member of a squad had a different plan for stages, all yielding competitive times. This made it incredibly fun! It truly became a mental match.
Stage one was the most talked about. Competitors started on a platform aiming at targets starting at 350 yards out to 650 yards. The kicker here was two paper targets sitting at 400 yards. Paper targets mean there’s no ringing, like you get with steel, indicating a hit. You just hope your hits are on.
There were jungle runs


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