Posted August 20, 2019 12:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

AP Photo/Alan Diaz, File

Anti-gun lawmakers often try to present themselves as knowledgeable about firearms. After all, they need to seem like they know what they’re talking about if they’re going to regulate something. The problem is, they rarely do.

As a result, we hear all kinds of outlandish claims about these weapons which typically become the fodder for jokes. Anyone else remember 30-round magazine clips?

Those are just gaffes from a lack of understanding. A lawmaker doesn’t understand what a magazine is versus a clip and they just all ramble together. They’re still inexcusable, but they’re understandable if you take a moment and think about it. After all, before you knew anything about guns, what would you have said?

What’s not understandable or excusable is when a legislator just makes up crap. That’s what Florida’s Rep. Frederica Wilson did yesterday on Twitter.

The children that were gunned down at Sandy Hook with an assault rifle never had a chance. Their bodies had to be removed with a shovel; they were smashed to pieces! These weapons are designed to rip bodies apart! Who needs a weapon like that? #BanAssaultWeaponsNow

— Rep Frederica Wilson (@RepWilson) August 19, 2019

That isn’t just a …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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